A perfect circle.

An eye’s pupil absorbs light, sending information to the brain. It appears red in photographs due to the reflection of blood vessels. Similarly, a black hole absorbs light—information—and when photographed, reveals a ring of fire. Neither a pupil nor a black hole allows anything to escape.

What happens when we die? We see light. When a black hole dies, it bursts forth with light. Einstein demonstrated that light and matter are aspects of the same entity. David Bohm described matter as “condensed or frozen light.”

“The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light.” – Matthew 6:22

We may be inside a black hole, with all our information feeding into a greater consciousness. If the entire universe exists within a black hole, time would progress but be affected by the intense gravitational field, slowing down near the black hole, as predicted by Einstein’s theory of general relativity. As we approach the singularity at the black hole’s center, where gravitational pull is infinite, time would come to a complete stop. This singularity represents God’s consciousness, just as we are reflections of God’s image. “You are like gods” – Psalm 82:6-7.

Recent research confirms Stephen Hawking’s area theorem, suggesting that the total area of a black hole’s event horizon should never decrease, reflecting our evolving understanding of black holes and the universe.

If these ideas hold true, then the universe as we perceive it might exist within a vortex, where time and space are warped by the black hole. To God, our existence might be as brief as a blink of an eye.

My definition of consciousness is any entity that can receive information and contribute to the entropy of the universe.

Perhaps the universe is not expanding, but distant objects appear farther due to their position within the black hole’s gravitational influence. We cannot escape this universe, just as nothing can escape a black hole. Even if parallel universes exist, they would be unable to enter our black hole without becoming trapped.

If we exist within a black hole, other black holes might exist within it, pointing to a grander theory beyond our current understanding.

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